Stop Doom-Scrolling Now!

50 Creative Activities to Stop Doom-Scrolling and Avoid Boredom

8 min readSep 11, 2024

In today’s digital age, it’s all too easy to fall into the trap of doom-scrolling — mindlessly scrolling through negative news and social media feeds for hours on end. We’ve all been there, especially during those idle moments when boredom strikes or when we’re feeling overwhelmed by the world’s chaos.

Photo by Gilles Lambert on Unsplash

Why We Doom-Scroll and Why It’s a Problem

Before we jump into the alternatives, it’s important to understand why we doom-scroll in the first place. Doom-scrolling is often triggered by psychological factors such as fear of missing out (FOMO), anxiety, and the need for constant stimulation. We scroll through our feeds in search of information, updates, and distractions, but instead, we often find ourselves feeling more stressed, anxious, and disconnected.

Research shows that doom-scrolling can have significant negative effects on mental health. It can increase anxiety, depression, and stress levels, leaving us feeling drained and overwhelmed. If you’ve noticed yourself getting caught in this cycle, it might be time to make a change. The good news is that by becoming more mindful of our habits and consciously choosing healthier alternatives, we can break free from doom-scrolling and improve our well-being.

How to Break the Doom-Scrolling Habit

Breaking the doom-scrolling habit starts with mindfulness and self-awareness. By paying attention to how much time you spend on your phone and recognizing the emotional triggers that lead you to scroll, you can begin to take control of your digital habits. Setting boundaries is another crucial step — try using apps that limit your screen time, designate phone-free zones in your home, or schedule specific times of day when you’ll be offline.

Positive reinforcement can also play a key role in changing your habits. Reward yourself for staying off your phone with small treats or activities that you enjoy. Over time, these new, healthier habits will start to feel more natural and fulfilling.

Now that we’ve covered the basics of why and how to stop doom-scrolling, let’s explore 50 creative activities that you can do instead. Whether you’re looking to grow personally, get creative, or simply relax, there’s something here for everyone.

50 Creative Activities to Replace Doom-Scrolling

1. Activities for Personal Growth

  1. Read a personal development book
    Expand your knowledge and gain new insights by diving into a book focused on personal growth or self-improvement.
  2. Start journaling
    Reflect on your thoughts and feelings by writing them down in a journal. This can help you process emotions and track your progress over time.
  3. Practice meditation or deep breathing exercises
    Take a few minutes each day to practice mindfulness through meditation or deep breathing. This can help reduce stress and increase your overall well-being.
  4. Take an online course
    Enroll in an online course on a topic that interests you, whether it’s related to your career or a new hobby you want to explore.
  5. Set and review personal goals
    Take some time to set new goals for yourself and review the progress you’ve made towards achieving them.
  6. Learn a new skill (e.g., coding, photography)
    Challenge yourself to learn a new skill that you’ve always wanted to master. There are plenty of resources online to get you started.
  7. Reflect on your day and identify areas for improvement
    At the end of each day, take a few minutes to reflect on what went well and what you could improve upon tomorrow.

2. Creative Activities

  1. Try painting or drawing
    Even if you’re not an artist, painting or drawing can be a fun and therapeutic way to express yourself.
  2. Write a short story or a poem
    Channel your creativity into writing a short story or poem. It’s a great way to explore your imagination and share your thoughts.
  3. Experiment with DIY crafts
    Get crafty with some DIY projects. From home decor to handmade gifts, the possibilities are endless.
  4. Start a blog or a personal website
    Share your thoughts, experiences, and passions with the world by starting a blog or creating a personal website.
  5. Take up knitting or crochet
    Knitting and crochet are relaxing hobbies that can also result in beautiful handmade items.
  6. Create a vision board
    Visualize your goals and dreams by creating a vision board filled with images, quotes, and ideas that inspire you.
  7. Learn to play a musical instrument
    Pick up an instrument you’ve always wanted to learn and start practicing. Music is a wonderful way to express yourself and unwind.

3. Physical Activities

  1. Go for a walk or a hike
    Get outside and enjoy the fresh air with a walk or hike. It’s a great way to clear your mind and get some exercise.
  2. Practice yoga or Pilates
    Stretch your body and relax your mind with yoga or Pilates. Both are excellent for improving flexibility and reducing stress.
  3. Start a home workout routine
    Create a workout routine that you can do at home, whether it’s strength training, cardio, or a combination of both.
  4. Dance to your favorite music
    Put on your favorite tunes and dance like no one’s watching. It’s a fun way to get moving and boost your mood.
  5. Try a new sport or physical activity
    Challenge yourself by trying a new sport or physical activity, like rock climbing, cycling, or swimming.
  6. Do some gardening
    Gardening is a relaxing and rewarding activity that also allows you to connect with nature.
  7. Take up martial arts or self-defense classes
    Learn self-defense techniques and improve your physical fitness by taking up martial arts.

4. Social Activities

  1. Call a friend or family member
    Stay connected with your loved ones by giving them a call. It’s a great way to catch up and show you care.
  2. Join a local club or community group
    Get involved in your community by joining a club or group that aligns with your interests.
  3. Host a game night
    Invite friends over for a fun game night with board games, card games, or video games.
  4. Volunteer for a cause you care about
    Make a difference in your community by volunteering your time and skills to a cause that’s important to you.
  5. Attend a workshop or seminar
    Expand your knowledge and meet new people by attending workshops or seminars on topics that interest you.
  6. Organize a potluck with friends
    Bring people together by hosting a potluck where everyone contributes a dish. It’s a fun and social way to share a meal.
  7. Start a book club
    Combine your love for reading with social interaction by starting a book club with friends or coworkers.

5. Intellectual Activities

  1. Solve puzzles or brain teasers
    Keep your mind sharp by solving puzzles, crosswords, or brain teasers. They’re a fun way to challenge yourself.
  2. Watch a documentary
    Learn something new by watching a documentary on a topic you’re curious about.
  3. Read a non-fiction book
    Expand your knowledge by reading non-fiction books on subjects that interest you, from history to science.
  4. Listen to educational podcasts
    Tune into podcasts that cover topics you’re passionate about, whether it’s personal development, history, or science.
  5. Play strategy-based board games
    Challenge your mind with strategy-based board games like chess, Risk, or Settlers of Catan.
  6. Research a topic you’re curious about
    Satisfy your curiosity by diving deep into a topic that interests you. The internet is a treasure trove of information.
  7. Learn a new language
    Broaden your horizons by learning a new language. There are plenty of apps and resources available to help you get started.

6. Relaxation and Self-Care Activities

  1. Take a relaxing bath
    Unwind at the end of the day with a warm, relaxing bath. Add some essential oils or bath salts for an extra touch of luxury.
  2. Practice aromatherapy
    Use essential oils to create a calming atmosphere in your home. Aromatherapy can help reduce stress and promote relaxation.
  3. Get a massage or practice self-massage
    Treat yourself to a professional massage or learn self-massage techniques to relieve tension and relax.
  4. Listen to calming music or nature sounds
    Create a peaceful environment by listening to calming music or nature sounds while you relax or meditate.
  5. Do a digital detox for a day
    Give yourself a break from screens by doing a digital detox. Spend a day offline and focus on activities that don’t involve technology.
  6. Practice gratitude journaling
    Reflect on the things you’re grateful for by keeping a gratitude journal. It’s a simple way to boost your mood and outlook on life.
  7. Create a bedtime routine for better sleep
    Establish a bedtime routine that helps you wind down and get a good night’s sleep, such as reading, meditating, or practicing relaxation exercises.

7. Other Fun Activities

  1. Cook or bake something new
    Experiment in the kitchen by trying out new recipes or baking something you’ve never made before.
  2. Explore a new part of your city
    Be a tourist in your own city by exploring a neighborhood or area you haven’t visited before.
  3. Start a photo project
    Capture the world around you by starting a photo project. Choose a theme or subject and document it through photography.
  4. Visit a museum or art gallery
    Spend an afternoon at a museum or art gallery, soaking up culture and expanding your horizons.
  5. Plan your next vacation
    Get excited about future adventures by planning your next vacation. Research destinations, activities, and accommodations.
  6. Try out new recipes or cuisines
    Spice up your meals by trying out new recipes or cuisines from around the world.
  7. Build a puzzle or model kit
    Engage your mind and hands by building a puzzle or model kit. It’s a great way to relax and focus.
  8. Learn about different cultures and traditions
    Expand your cultural knowledge by learning about the traditions, customs, and histories of different cultures.

Tips for Sticking to These New Habits

Starting new habits is one thing, but sticking to them can be challenging. Here are a few tips to help you make these activities a regular part of your life:

Start Small: Begin by choosing just one or two activities from the list that interest you the most. As you get comfortable with them, gradually add more to your routine.

Make It Enjoyable: Find ways to make these activities fun and enjoyable. For example, invite a friend to join you in trying a new hobby or set up a cozy space where you can read or meditate.

Accountability: Share your goals with a friend or family member who can hold you accountable. You can also use apps or journals to track your progress.

Reflect and Adjust: Periodically reflect on the activities you’re doing and how they make you feel. If something isn’t working for you, don’t be afraid to adjust and try something new.

Doom-scrolling may seem like a harmless way to pass the time, but it can have serious negative effects on your mental health and well-being. By replacing doom-scrolling with any of the 50 activities listed above, you’ll not only avoid boredom but also contribute to your personal growth and happiness.

So, why not give some of these activities a try? Start small, be mindful of your habits, and enjoy the positive changes that come from breaking free from doom-scrolling. And if you’ve found other ways to avoid doom-scrolling, feel free to share them in the comments — I’d love to hear about your experiences!

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